Google Launches Mobile Friendly Testing Tool
If the high mobile penetration rate of 153.9% is still not big enough to convince you that your business need to have a mobile friendly website, then get this:
We are also experimenting with using the mobile-friendly criteria as a ranking signal.
Google has recently announced the launch of a mobile friendly testing tool for websites. This tool allows you to check your websites if they are mobile friendly in Google’s eyes.
Below picture shows a successful pass for our website.
In case you are wondering why is this so important, think back to the scenarios where you are searching in google with your mobile phone.
You clicked on one of the listings in the search results and it leads to an outdated site where you need to perform a lot of zooming and horizontal scrolling.
It is not the best user experience , isn’t it?
Google is planning to add a ‘mobile-friendly’ label to your mobile search results.
So with this label in the mobile search results, you will now see before you clicked on a listing if it is a mobile friendly site. This will improve your user experience.
If your business have a mobile-friendly label, this should also help to increase the number of clicks to your website.
Mobile adoption rate has been growing each higher each year and with this new move by Google, it is even more important now to have a mobile-friendly website.
Check out our web design services today to get a mobile-friendly website for your business!